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Sozo Integrative Health Reviews

What Our Castle Rock Patients Say

At Sozo Integrative Health we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.

Share your stories too! Click here to send us your feedback so that we can help to spread the word about the benefits of natural Sozo Integrative Health care.

For more information or to schedule an appointment call (720) 390-5757 today.


Pain Relief from Car Accident

AngieAngie’s Story »

I was on prescription medications for my back and neck pain that resulted from a car accident. The pain was consistently moderate and sometimes it was severe. I carried this pain for months and tried different doctors and modalities but the relief would never last.

Since being referred to Sozo care my health has significantly improved and the pain has reduced greatly! Also, as a result, I did not get my annual spring sinus infections – typically I get 3-4 infections every spring! My family is also receiving the benefits of chiropractic care and are experiencing successful results from headaches and back pain as well. The office is always clean and the team is very caring. I love coming in for my adjustments!

I will continue recommending chiropractic to my friends and family! No one should live without this!

Hip pain, back pain & spasms

Deonta’s Story »

Before I was introduced to Sozo I was experiencing hip, lower back pain and spasms for years. My pain was consistently at a 7/10 and escalated to a 12/10 after physical activity. Ibuprofen would dull the pain sometimes, but it wouldn’t help fully or long-term. The cause of the pain was untouched, so it persisted.

I had complete faith that chiropractic could help me. I believe God led me to this office to meet these people, and to experience the amazing healing my body was capable of with some very specific and gentle support. After one year of chiropractic care, I am able to do things now that I literally couldn’t do from ages 24-28. Both my wife and my son are receiving great benefits as well. Chiropractic has completely changed our lives! When you commit to a better way, your life will change for the better!

Scoliosis, Sciatica, & Nerve Pain

Tim’s Story »

After meeting with a close friend and learning of her discomfort issues, she told me of the positive results she received from Dr. Joe and his staff. I had been suffering with sciatica, lower back pain, scoliosis, and nerve pain. The pain was constant, most of the time was 7/10, and occasionally a 10/10. I had a difficult time walking, stretching, and doing other physical activities.

I sought out several other professionals in hopes of relief, and began taking Vicodin, prescription pain medication. I was struggling to find someone that could remedy the situation without causing me further pain and discomfort. When I was referred, I was still skeptical, but willing to give it a try. I was extremely impressed with Dr. Joe, Lauren and the rest of the staff. The first meeting and every day since has been incredible.

I have finally been relieved from my severe, constant pain. I rarely have muscle tension and I have my quality of life back. I am grateful beyond words – I would have never thought this was possible.

Anxiety & Depression

Connor’s Story »

I dealt with severe anxiety and depression for several months. It eventually consumed and affected every area of my life. I started seeing a psychologist who prescribed me medication for my condition, but I knew I needed something more.

During this time, the team at Sozo came alongside me and lifted me up with much needed encouragement and positivity. From the very beginning, I felt comfortable and I felt like I was being helped when I came in. The team and the doctor are both understanding of your situation and confident in how chiropractic can help! Each time after my adjustments, I left feeling better and better. My anxiety became non-existent and I was able to eliminate the medications!

My family members are also receiving care for their various health concerns. I can’t believe the progress and the true difference chiropractic care has made in our lives. I definitely refer others because of this. My process has been rewarding and freeing. I am so thankful to feel positive and healthy, Mind, Body, and Spirit!

TMJ Pain & Overactive Bladder

Susan’s Story »

I’m 61 years old and never saw a chiropractor before coming to Sozo. When I came in, I had severe TMJ pain. My jaw was aching constantly. I was also struggling with an overactive bladder and waking up 2 to 3 times at night to use the bathroom, despite the medication I was on. An oral surgeon recommended narcotics for the pain but it didn’t last and the problem persisted and eventually got worse.

After receiving the benefit of chiropractic care I no longer have pain when I eat! The TMJ pain is not completely gone (yet!), but it has vastly improved. Additionally, a lot of the other aches and pains I was attributing to age have disappeared entirely, including knee pain from an old, existing injury. Recently, I have been sleeping through the night without the need to go to the bathroom as well!

My body seemed to increasingly get worse and worse, until I started receiving chiropractic care. Now, my body is getting better and better! This has vastly improved my quality of life, and I am so thankful I found it!

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Ashley’s Story »

When I was out hiking with my family, I was bitten by a tick and got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Manifestations of this disease involve the respiratory system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal system and kidneys. The condition was very severe. I couldn’t walk without the use of trekking poles. I was prescribed pain medication and antibiotics with no relief. I had never been to a chiropractor before, but I was quickly shown that it changes everything involving the health of the body. My initial impression of the office and the staff was that they were very friendly, loving and joyful, not to mention extremely knowledgeable and educated.

In about nine months, my symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever were gone and I was pregnant! I was able to eliminate all medications and antibiotics I was prescribed. I’m so grateful that it is no longer impacting any part of my life. I have continued on with wellness care and continue to get adjustments regularly, to be proactive in my health. My husband and three children are all receiving the benefits of chiropractic care and we’ve all experienced amazing improvements. Our bodies now have the support they need to achieve full, overall health. We are so grateful to have found chiropractic and to have found Sozo!

Healthy, Happy Pregnancy

Bri’s Story »

I was referred to Sozo Chiropractic by some friends during my second pregnancy. Initially, I was hesitant chiropractic care would help since my first pregnancy was extremely rough.

When I came into the office I instantly loved the staff and experience from the very first visit. They made me feel very welcomed and educated in the process. During the 9 months of my pregnancy, I felt rested, had very little to no pain, and had more energy than I ever did with my first child. I also had a short labor and birth process. Now, my friends and whole family are receiving the benefits of chiropractic care and have been relieved from problems of stress, anxiety, and digestive issues!

I now know the benefits of chiropractic care and will continue to recommend it to anyone! It has given more positive health results than I ever thought possible!

No More Sciatica Pain!

Jennie’s Story »

For years I suffered with constant sciatica pain. I was discouraged that chiropractic care would help me because of how severe my pain was and because other professionals I sought before resulted in no improvement.

While I was skeptical of seeing any improvement, I was hopeful to be proven wrong. My first experience and impression was that the staff and the doctor were as friendly and helpful as they were informative. After a few months of experiencing chiropractic care I was completely pain free! I am very glad I decided to see Dr. Joe. If I didn’t schedule that 1st visit at the chiropractic clinic, I would still be in debilitating pain. This was the best decision I ever made!

Scoliosis, Illness and Fatigue

Antonin’s Story »

I was at a point where I was unable to do almost anything because I was in so much pain. I would get sick constantly and felt like I could never heal completely. My fatigue was also pretty severe. I felt drained and lacked motivation to do certain things because my energy levels were so low. All of this lasted for years, and I knew I needed to seek help for this.

When I was educated about Chiropractic and its benefits, I knew it was the answer I needed. My results have been amazing! Now my entire family is benefiting from chiropractic care and experiencing great successes for a myriad of health concerns. If anyone I know is experiencing pain or sickness, I won’t hesitate to recommend chiropractic care. I am so grateful to have found a means of natural support for my body to feel and function at its best!

Infant Reflux

Leo’s Story »

Our son Leo had severe reflux. He would have reflux episodes every time after breastfeeding. We could never lay him on his back because he would spit up constantly. This went on for months and we realized we needed to seek some support for him.

We were familiar with Chiropractic but we weren’t getting the results we were hoping for. Then we were referred to Sozo Chiropractic from a friend and we scheduled a consultation. The office was professional, yet had a relaxing, family-oriented atmosphere. This was very important to our family because at the time we were stressed and concerned.

Within weeks Leo’s reflux subsided, and then it went away completely following the Dr.’s recommendations! Leo has been extremely healthy since beginning introducing chiropractic care. When Leo started having some congestion we noticed that it cleared shortly after receiving an adjustment and didn’t fester. Our entire family is now benefiting from chiropractic care for scoliosis and other spinal/health issues. We will recommend chiropractic care to our friends and family. We are grateful to have found such a great office that helps keep our son and family healthy!

No More Breathing Problems!

Gabe playing soccerGabe’s Story »
I was training hard to pursue my dream career as a professional Soccer player. I had a problem breathing that was keeping me from performing at my best. Even with an inhaler, the problem was quite severe and I had to miss several practices.

My mom and brother had been under care and they were confident Dr. Joe could help me. I liked the community feel of the office right away and my results improved in a matter of weeks! My brother’s back feels much better, and my mom has seen great improvements with her hip pain and fatigue as well.

I am so proud to declare that I am on my way to London to train with the English Premiere League! I only wish I could bring Dr. Joe with me. Sozo and Dr. Joe have helped my body unleash it’s innate intelligence to heal itself and to be the best it could be.

Seizure-Free for a Year!

Ricks headshotRick’s Story >
I sought Chiropractic care as an unexplored avenue to wellness after the pill culture had given me nothing but unwanted results. The drugs only sedated me and diminished my quality of life. It was truly frightening to be found wantering, awakened by police and paramedics, as well as life-flighted to University hospitals in Cleveland.

See, I have epilepsy and have had Grand Mal Seizures regularly since high school. I had seen what felt like every neurologist in the Cleveland area before my brother, who is also a Chiropractor, referred me to Sozo. Dr. Joe answered all of my questions and I had a great experience walking into his office. Amazingly, I’ve had only one seizure since beginning care and have been seizure-free for a year now!

My brother and his wife have had their children under Chiropractic care since birth. I now steer as many people as I can towards this incredible way of life.

Active Again & Pain-Free

Joyce’s Story >
I came to Sozo with Advanced Disc Degeneration. I was bone-on-bone in three places. The pain was in my neck, mid back, and at my waist. I was in a horrible accident in 1970 that caused severe issues. At times I was bedridden, and the pain was constant. My pain rose to a 10 out of 10. I saw several doctors, tried alternate therapies, and was taking 2,000mg of Tylenol, daily. I loved camping and being active with my big family, but this pain rendered me unable to do any of that.

I have loved coming to Sozo since the very first day. Dr. Joe is such a caring, happy, wonderful doctor, and that expends to the rest of the team. I ‘ve been coming to Sozo for over a year, and what a joy it has been to be normal and active again; pain-free with these treatments! I really think it’s the positive approach that helps! I am able to travel and take vacations now, and that is the only time I miss my appointments. I get so much relief!

I hand out their card to my family members and church friends. Everyone should have Dr. Joe help rid them of their pain.

Relief from Scoliosis Symptoms

Sara headshotSarah’s Story >
Because of my Scoliosis, I experienced monthly headaches, neck pain, and stiffness. The headaches were painful enough to be bed-bound. My first choice in seeking care is Chiropractic, but I must say, I had some reservations about the integrator technique.

Since beginning care, I have been able to eliminate the need for Ibuprofen and headache meds. Something that I love about Sozo is that everyone is very friendly. The staff uses my name every visit, and Dr. Joe always smiles! I appreciate that the office always keeps really good record of my progress and addresses any other concerns as well.

I have now been under care for about seven months and the results are having a stronger back and infrequent headaches, which enables me to pursue my activities without pain. I definitely recommend Chiropractic care, and I find that it is easy to share my story with friends.

Healthy Pregnancy & Healthy Baby

Baby Ashley with parentsAshley’s Story >
I was so excited to be pregnant and expecting my first baby! However, I was very uncomfortable and suffering from hip pain, back pain, and severe acid reflux. The medical doctor was only able to suggest Nexium for reflux and I wasn’t able to take anything else due to being pregnant.

My wonderful OB suggested I see a Chiropractor, and when I asked around my friends and family highly recommended Sozo Chiropractic. From the beginning I noticed how much better I felt as soon as I got out of bed in the morning! The results were amazing and I was able to move around with ease at 40 weeks pregnant!
I love the office and all of the staff. Now we are a family of three and we are thankful to continue our journey of health through chiropractic! Our daughter is now also under care and we are excited to watch our daughter grow healthy and strong, reaching her full potential!

No More Depression Medication!

Greta’s Story >
I was suffering from anxiety and back pain problems when I came to Sozo. Both of my parents suffer from the same things. My first impression was that everyone was very nice and it seemed like a really positive environment, yet I was still unsure if they could help.

After about six months of care, my anxiety went way down and I was able to stop taking medication for depression! Thank you so much! You all have made such a positive impact on my life mentally and physically. I will always recommend Chiropractic to anyone I know. This has been wonderful!

Surgery Avoided & Medication-Free!

Heather headshotHeather’s Story >
I came to Sozo with a referral for a spine surgeon and was a last ditch effort to avoid surgery. I was in so much low back pain, and had been for years. Vicodin, Ambien, Ibuprofen, and muscle relaxers were not touching the pain. I was at my wits end. I had severe sciatic nerve pain from years of competitive gymnastics.

I wasn’t sure Chiropractic care would provide relief since I had sought care elsewhere before, but I was willing to try. After my first visit I felt loads better and was so impressed with Dr. Joe and his specific technique!

I am so pleased to say I was able to avoid surgery! I have far less pain than ever before, and I am not taking any medications! I recommend Sozo to all of my friends and family.

Colton headshot

Less Fidgety and Sleeping Better

Colton, Age 6 >
Favorite Hobby: Playing football. Favorite Food: Cheese Pizza. When I grow up I want to be: A Police Officer.
Colton is one of the most vibrant kids you will ever meet. He is being treated for neuro-development issues. He loves getting adjusted because he says it helps him feel better! Since beginning care, he is less fidgety and is sleeping better. He wants other kids to know that, “Dr. Joe helps people with health problems!” We are so thankful to have him in our office!

Lauralai headshot

Sleeping Better and Less Anxious

Lauralai, Age 5 >
Favorite Hobby: Riding her horse & pony. Favorite Food: Oatmeal & Mac and Cheese. When I grow up I want to be: A “trick rider”.

We just love having Lauralai in our office! She is happy and silly all the time. Chiropractic care has helped her sleep better and her behavior has improved, with less anxiousness. She loves oatmeal and couldn’t eat it before, but now she is no longer sensitive! She says her body feels very good after adjustments from Dr. Joe, and thinks her friends should come see him, too!

Free of Night Terrors

June, Age 6 >
Favorite Food: Miso Soup. Favorite Animal: Cheetah. Favorite Activity: Girl Scouts

June is one amazing girl! Our team could spend hours having conversations with her. She shared her story with us recently and we knew it should be shared! June has been free of night terrors and sleep issues thanks to the power of her little body!


Sozo Integrative Health Reviews | (720) 390-5757